Thursday, April 5, 2007
The volleyball team threw a party two weeks before conference. Little did they know that their coach was spying on them and drove by the party. They ended up losing their conference championship and the coach only had one reason why, the party.
For two months, six days a week in the offseason, the team had to wake up every morning at 6:00 a.m and run for an hour straight. That was it, only run. But at 6:00 a.m.
We are all college kids, we need to have some sort of a life. This punishment I thought was just plain mean. They did not lose because of one party.
My 21st birthday was last week. I had a surprise party. My friends got me a little tipsy, took me out for a fun filled night in Fort Lauderdale. It was my 21st birthday, I did not care what time I got back.
Well, I ended up going to sleep at 5:00 am. Three hours later, I woke up to a phone ringing non-stop. It was my coach, yelling that I was late for practice.
Did he care that it was my birthday? No. If I did not go, I would have to re-think my spot on the team. I got up and went. After I was done running, my coach gave me a simple, "How did that feel, birthday girl?" I thought I was going to kill him. I was way to tired to do that.
AGE: 23
GPA: 3.4
MERS INSIDE JUICE: Freshmen year, we tp'd the boy's locker room and post-it noted their cars. Hey you got to have a little fun.
When is it enough?
One of the girls on my team called me yesterday to tell me she was having surgery on her knee.
If this was anybody else, it would be ok. One surgery, every college athlete has almost one.
But this girl, Brittany has had 3 knee surgeries, one hip surgery, cartilage injectioinis and multiple stress fractures. Now she is going to have another one.
When does a coach decide that this is it, that running is actually hurting her.
This girl has so much dedication and a heart for running, that it makes a situation like this hard. How could you take away something she loves? But how much more can her body take?
Life after College
College athletes. In the pro's, such a small number ever make it up to that level from college. But there are some lucky ones.
Actually one of the baseball players from a couple years back just started for the Anaheim Angels on opening day. Tommy Murphy was the first player ever to start for a professional team.
So it can happen. It is hard and I don't think I can ever make it but there are those lucky ones.
OUCH! That might hurt-
Yesterday, I was lifting weights in the weight room and all of a sudden I heard a sudden smack.
I turned my head to see what it was, and one of the swimmers had actually tried to attempt a back flip off the pull up bar. Well during this attempt, he did not measure his distance to well and slammed his head into the pull up bar.
After the smack there was no movement from the swimmer. Trainers ran in and lifted him up and took him on out.
Later that day, I found out that the swimmer had a slight concussion but was doing ok.
Ouch! Be smarter next time!
I turned my head to see what it was, and one of the swimmers had actually tried to attempt a back flip off the pull up bar. Well during this attempt, he did not measure his distance to well and slammed his head into the pull up bar.
After the smack there was no movement from the swimmer. Trainers ran in and lifted him up and took him on out.
Later that day, I found out that the swimmer had a slight concussion but was doing ok.
Ouch! Be smarter next time!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Last week, all of the freshmen on the volleyball team quit, and three members approached the Athletic Director about a problem that happened with the coach.
I asked my coach if he knew of any information and his reply was, " The coach was mad because the girls did not train over christmas."
Is that the truth? I went to an actual volleyball player, and she told me that the coach apparently was saying stuff that was not appropriate at all for a coach to say.
This reminds me of the blog earlier, about coach or friend. Coaches need to know there role. Period.
I asked my coach if he knew of any information and his reply was, " The coach was mad because the girls did not train over christmas."
Is that the truth? I went to an actual volleyball player, and she told me that the coach apparently was saying stuff that was not appropriate at all for a coach to say.
This reminds me of the blog earlier, about coach or friend. Coaches need to know there role. Period.
Track meets. I bet most of the people reading this have never even been to one.
Well a track meet is a day long of field and running events of all distances. I run the 5k which is usually the last race of the day. But that does not mean I can go an hour before my race. We have to attend the whole meet to show support for the team.
This might sound boring. But believe me, sit through a Junior Varsity meet of the hurdles. Just watch and it can be interesting to see how many people might just end up eating it. Ouch. That could sound mean but I have never seen any really bad injuries.
Numbers of teams compete at once and the better the competition the more intense a meet can get.
Just remember sunscreen and a blanket if you ever plan on attending because you are there when the sun goes up and the sun goes down.
Well a track meet is a day long of field and running events of all distances. I run the 5k which is usually the last race of the day. But that does not mean I can go an hour before my race. We have to attend the whole meet to show support for the team.
This might sound boring. But believe me, sit through a Junior Varsity meet of the hurdles. Just watch and it can be interesting to see how many people might just end up eating it. Ouch. That could sound mean but I have never seen any really bad injuries.
Numbers of teams compete at once and the better the competition the more intense a meet can get.
Just remember sunscreen and a blanket if you ever plan on attending because you are there when the sun goes up and the sun goes down.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Injuries- can you prevent them?
Every year, since I was a freshman I have been diagnosed with some type of injury. From a broken hip, to stress fractures, I feel like I have been through alot. I never had one injury in high school. So why now?
After visiting there is a section that is titled injury prevention. When you click on that, there are all kinds of examples that can help you out in your running career.
Here are just a few:
1) When able to, run on soft surfaces such as clay or grass.
2) Change shoes about every 500 miles.
3) Stretch before and after activity
4) Make sure you are eating right and plenty of calcium( This is why I got stress fractures)
Happy trails!
There is no I in team. So coaches should not pick a favorite.
Today at practice, ten of us were running 400 repeats. One runner was running the hurdles. She just so happens to be are fastest runner. Well he put her hurdles in lane one, and made the rest of us run in the outside lanes. This was not fair for us at all. Only one person was running the hurdles. Coach also gave this girl a week off after conference and nobody else.
If you want to coach one person become a personal trainer. Not a head track coach. It is not fair to us.
Now that track season has taken off, recruits are coming to visit.
I remember my visit, I was scared to death. College was a big deal. And athletes definitely did not want you to take over there starting spot.
Now it is my turn to host a recruit. What in the world am I going to do. I have to take a total strnager out to dinner, and have her sleep at my house. What if she is faster than me? Or she could end up turning out to be cool. But if she doesn't pick the school then coach might be mad at me. What if I am not a good host?
Geez. Recruits are important. They take over your spot when you leave. So I guess it will not be that bad. Somebody had to host me and I came. And we already have one thing in common. We like to run.
Parents are not Coaches
The other day at practice, I turned my head to not only see a parent, but a parent sitting in a chair on the field getting ready to time her daughter. What do you think we have a coach for? He knows how to use a timer. Kids are already under enough pressure to make there parent's happy. But it is just way to much for one to be at there kid's practice. Wait until the meet. Practice is where the athletes are there to train and get better. The coach turns into their parent at practice. They do not need two.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Can you weather the weather?
One day it is hot, one day it is cold, one day it's rainy, the other day the trees smell like mold.
The weather in Florida changes constantly. Storms happen an in instant. This can affect training for all of the sports. Last semester on the football field, one of the players suffered from dehydration. He ran around for five minutes like a maniac and stripping down to nothing before the EMS caught him.
Last week, the teams were running in 38 degree weather. This can not be healthy if you were not dressed correctly. So I decided to add a few dressing guides for the cold weather.
1) Watch the weather channel the night before, or step outside once you wake up
2)If it is hot outsie, wear comfortable clothing that is not heavy. Coolmax material is great because it will soak up the sweat. Also grab two bottles of water on the go. One to frink on the way and one to drink after.
3) If it is cold outside. Weat socks and a hat. a long sleeve shirt and tights under your pants. But do not go to crazy on layering your clothes as you will sweat up a storm.
4)If you love running in the summer, try to hit the early hours of the day as the sun is not so strong
5) Have fun. Be safe.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Another great topic has popped up again in my Sociology of Sport class. Wow. Dr. Evans sure does like causing som heated discussions. This one was what people thought about priority registration.
Priority registration allows athletes to register a day earlier then students.
The kids in the class of course put in there ten cents with statements like, "They are just lazy, they are taking the later classes, " We have work, that is getting us through college."
Most of the athletes have to take the later classes because they are working there butts off since the sun went up. And a majority of the athletes have there sport but are also working on the weekends for some extra money.
Everybody just needs to take a break on putting down there athletes, because a student athlete is a full time job in itself. Priority registration is a little payback for what we go through.
Priority registration allows athletes to register a day earlier then students.
The kids in the class of course put in there ten cents with statements like, "They are just lazy, they are taking the later classes, " We have work, that is getting us through college."
Most of the athletes have to take the later classes because they are working there butts off since the sun went up. And a majority of the athletes have there sport but are also working on the weekends for some extra money.
Everybody just needs to take a break on putting down there athletes, because a student athlete is a full time job in itself. Priority registration is a little payback for what we go through.
Have you ever heard of myspace or facebook. Well your'e not the only one. I guess my coach has gotten a hang of it as well.
Facebook and myspace are meeting places on the internet to get in touch with old and new friends, post pictures of the weekends and have people laugh at them the next day.
Well I am in college and some of the stuff I do on the weekends does not need to be seen by my coach. I give him all week and one day on the weekends. I keep my grades up and compete with one hundred percent. I am twenty years old and need a little fun.
I do not need my coach watching over me in my private life.
How much rights do the coaches have. I feel like this is an invasion of privacy.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Cross training. Believe me as an alumni of the injured group I definitely know how important it is to cross train.
Cross training consists of activities that do not cause pounding to your legs such as bicyling and swimming.
My boyfriend, who is also on the soccer team, is going through an injury. He just does not understand the importance of staying strong while recovering. I was never use to cross training before I came to college, but thank god for it. My coach would have me sweating like I never sweat before on the eliptical.
An aqua jogging they say will keep you in the shape you left in up to six weeks. So believe me cross training does pay off. He is just going to have to suck it up and do it. A1A is georgous to bike ride down anyways.
Just to prove it to you, when I came off my stress fracture, it only took me three weeks and I ran my second to best time in the 5k ever.
Have you ever thought that your college team couldn't be beat. Then you got a crazy idea to place a little bet. Well bad idea. Every semester college athletes have to go to these things called workshops. And the workshop that I decided to go watch was on gambling.
Gambling. Yes it happens. And colleges are not prepared to deal with probelms associated with this growing fad. The guy that led the seminar was a recovered gambler himself. He was once a football player in college that made a stupid choice.
I have personal experience with this. One of my dear friend's from high school and scholarship football player at USF was kicked off the team last year and out of school for making a bet on one of his games.
It is a stupid mistake college kids think they can make to make quick money. But really it is just a stupid mistake to make quick jail time.
What really matters
This week the Florida Atlantic University track and swimming teams competed in the SunBelt conference. After long hours, blood, sweat, and tears, the teams were ready to compete.
But some people over looked the determination and my teammates looked unhealthy. Anybody could of noticed this, but did my coach say anything. No. This was one of our top runners. When it comes to conference all that matters is placing first.
Then you have us injured runners, that are trying to get better and in shape. Once the week of conference hits, we are like ghosts. We might as well be taken off the roster. My injured teammates and I would have to make up are own schedules because somehow someway are training logs got erased in the mail or something, we guess.
But that's ok, are coach thinks. All that matters is what happens at conference. Right?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
FOOTBALL! it is not the only sport in your school
As I walked into the training room last week, I had a football player next to me. We both sat down at the same time and I swere all of he trainers flocked to him. Not one even turned to me to ask what was wrong. Then I was standing outside the laundry room, and it felt like I ot barricaded by an army of men. The football players did not even care that I was standing there. They will sit outside the Oxley, hitting and whistling at all the girls that walk into the Oxley. Ewww. Come on guys. Grow up your'e not in high school now. For a team that went 4 and 7 last year, I sure would not be walking around with my nose in the air. The volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and girl's soccer teams all won conference championships last year. And the track team placed third. The football team did not even make it into the playoffs. So I asked the training room, why do they only care about them? They repied: They are the ones that bring all the money into the school. Haha. Are you serious? Have you been to the games? They can not even fill up a high school stadium. They explained how the football team actually got paid five hundred thousand dollars for going and playing Clemson. Even though they got killed 54- 6 , that was Clemson's goal. It's like the Circle of Life. Clemson gets money for winning because the Alumni will donate the more their team wins. Then FAU gets awarded because the team paid them to go and get pounded. I guess if humiliation gets you money then why not. Maybe eventually the football players will learn that they are not all that and it definitely is not cute. The percentage of college athletes to the pros is so minimal. So maybe everyone in the athletics department should work together in bringing team's to other team's event's and those football boys will put their noses down and walk next to say a cross country runner.
CAPTION: Pictured above is positive drug user, and professional baseball player Barry Bonds
Steroids. Pain Killers. Drugs. They are so common now in the sports world it is ridiculous. When somebody breaks a record now and days, you can't help to wait to see if it was a legal win or not. Last year, the Tour De France winner, Floyd Landis had to give down his tophy for testing positive to two drug tests. Barry Bonds, a baseball record holder is fighting to prove that he was innocent in his drug tests. Some other postive testers in baseball were Mark McGuire, Jose Canseco, and Darryl Strawberry. Then you look at sports such as track and even basketball. World record holder Marion Jones had her olympic medal taken away for drugs two years ago. It is sad. So sad. That these professionals can not just be great. They have to be great but cheat to get there. How does that make us feel that have looked up to them since we were little and are in college competing so one day we can be just as good as them or even better. But why would we want to be like them since they are just a lie. This is why the NCAA performs random drug tests each couple of months. And the target sports are always track and baseball. It just stinks. But it is something all of us college athletes have to do. Wake up at 6 in the morning and pea in a cup. But who cares. If that is what it takes to prove to younger kids that they can get to the professional level by pure talent. Just working hard and doing what is right and not taking the easy way out.
Last week, Shalane Flanagan broke the 5k record at the US championships. She said the one thing that she changed since college was her strength and training workouts. She got a coach and started knowing changes in her times dramatically. So of course once our coach found out about this, weight training was on the top of our list. Every Tuesday and Thursday we go to the gym at 9:30. Ugggh! Sometimes I hate it. I do not understand why we have to lift weights if we our cross country runners. I do not want to look like a discus thrower when I step onto that line. Some of the exercises that we do, I do agree with. The fab 5 and the triple threat are all ab workouts and I love a good six pack. But with weight training your body hurts the next day. So if I go on Tuesday to lift, I am sore on Wednesday, then we lift on Thursday, then again, I am sore on Friday. And I swere are weight coach has no clue about running, he is an ultimate fighter. But I guess are coach will not quit on this weight trainging program, since last week, five of my teammates broke school records at the Boston Invitational. The team has conference in two weeks, so we will see how good everybody really progressed.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sociology of Sport.
The other day in my Sociology class, Professor Evans decided to have a debates, students vs. student athletes, on who has it better. Right off the back all the regular students were like, "Athletes get a curve on grades", "Athletes get free tutors", "Athletes get what they want," "Blah, blah, blah." So this got the athletes fired up. Well the students are at home sleeping in until their class, a majority of the athletes are at practice or lifting weights before the sun comes up. One of the students said that we are babied when people check on us if we are in class. Well I bet that the student athletes have much better attendance then the regular students for sure, so who cares if somebody is checking up on us or not. Then their are the athletes like me, that are on scholarship, traveling, interning, school full time, and working a job. DO you still think we have it easy. Each athlete has to carry at least a 2.0 GPA to stay eligible so failing is not an option. Do students realize that alot of the events that go on at school are because of the funds their school teams brought in. You can't tell me that when one looks at a school that half of them do not look at their athletic teams. One of the most popular school in the nation is the University of Florida, and that's because they just on two national championships in one year. So give me a break and stop whining. It's a hard job but somebody has to do it.
What is it going to take
So I am just coming off of an injury, and my legs are getting kind of mad with all this new pounding that I am adding to them. I figured that I could just walk up to our equipment manager and I would get what I need: new shoes. Last week, I went into the Oxley every day after practice, yellling for Adam, the equipment guy. No response. A couple days later I was like this is ridiculous. So many people on my team were running around with new gear. I know I was injured but I am still a part of this team. Does coach want me to be injured again for running in bad shoes? So finally this morning, Linn, one of my teammates and I walked back to Adam's office. What we found was a guy in boxer shorts and a sweater opening the door, with sleep in his eye. You got to be joking me. I simply said, "It has been a few weeks that I have seen people with new gear, and coach said you should have brand new shoes for all of us, do you have what I need." Adam replies: "Oh no. I just ordered all new shoes, they should be in next week, and I have no gear." Right then, I knew that was pure laziness. I have seen that equipment room, and there is always something to give. This is a division 1 school, and the hard work we put in, we deserve better from the staff.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
I thought of a new post that would be fun to do each week. Many things are seen and heard in the Oxley. So the best quote that I hear will be the subject for the post.For those of you who do not know the Oxley is the athletic center at FAU where one can find locker rooms, a training room, study hall, and conference rooms. Well this weeks subjects are a couple of swimmers and their coach that I walked past during a conversation. The swimmers were complaining to there coach that they felt sick because of the cold weather, rain, and 6 a.m practices. To my surprise the coaches reply was a simple, "That's just a myth. Cold weather does not make you sick". I was shocked. Are you serious? Do the coaches care about our health? So I decided to do some research on the very reliable search engine google. At pioneerthinking. com I could not believe what they had written. Is it fact or fiction? Well the website replied: Fiction. Cold weather has nothing to do with catching a cold. Many people become ill due to the fact that we tend to spend more time indoors in close contact with other people in heated homes. Because of the heated close quarters, germs are more easily passed from person to person. Well I still don't believe it. Come on, if I was to sleep in the cold weather by myself, you can't tell me I will not feel like I have some sort of cold.
When does a coach go to far on the friendship level. I have been running for many years and have seen many coaches. Some I would call just a coach and some I could also call a friend. My freshmen year of college, I still had a very close realtionship with my high school coach so I thought I would automatically have one with my college coach. I made a close bond with him and thought that he was like a second father becuase my dad was all the way on the other coast, and when he brought me over her he promised to take care of us when we signed a scholarship. Then I started to have a rough season, and the one person that I thought would be there for me, wasn't. It was my fault I was not running well and he did not understand. I got so frustrated and so betrayed I almost quit. But I sucked it up because I truly do love running and stuck with it. I came out of my little rut and this year kept the relationship strictly on a coach and teamate level as did many more of the athletes on my team. That is all we are there for right? If we do our job then we should be ok.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Last week, one of the soccer coaches told one of their athletes that they needed to lose ten pounds. Sure the athlete could be out of shape, but what if it is said to the wrong person. Being an athlete in a sport like track , eating disorders are very prominent. Athletes want to be number one and they will do whatever it takes to get there.Does the coach have a right to decide ones weight. What if one does take it to far, does the coach have the right to tell that person to eat more. In the past year on my team, I can tell who has a problem. What do I say to them? You are under alot of pressure, but there is a difference between determination and obsession.
February 2nd is right around the corner, and your local baseball team is ready for a winning season. But if you can't can make it on the second, don't worry. Fans now have other options to watch the game. Games will now be posted over the internet at Tickets to the games are free for students and six dollars for everyone else. Last year FAU went 30-28 and just fell short in the A-SUN championships.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Don't laugh at the title. Because as I was running with my team around the track this afternoon, that is what I saw was puke. It was evidence that the mens soccer team had run the 'cooper test'. The cooper test requires all players to run two miles under twelve minutes. One player out of the whole soccer team past. And with that result, I can probably guess who to thank for the lovely surprise that we found.
I posted about FAU's track meet coming up this Friday as I thought that was important to mention before the team left. But one is probably thinking how different are lives of actual athletes. When you are sleeping in until noon, most of the athletes at your school have been through a 2 hour practice and early morning classes. Florida Atlantic requires all freshmen and athelets under a 3.0 gpa to do at least eight hours of study hall a week. Yes eight hours. So no Grey's Anatomy party's for most unless you tivo it. Being an athlete in college, is more like a job. You have to put in the hours and have good results. One has to do good or it looks bad on the coaches and is dissapointing to the athlete. In classes, Athletic Advisors take part of random class checks. If an athlete is missing, they will receive there penalty at practice. But hey it's not all bad. Teams are sponsored with some free gear, tutors are given to one free, and you get the glory of walking around school and being known as an FAU soccer player, football player or track star. They are college student athletes.
If you have not yet noticed that the black piece of something that use to sit behind the gymnasium is no longer in existence. Yes that is right guys. It is finally here, the brand new red rubber track with all facilities including a throwing area. You can finally run a mile without hopping over some speed bumps. With the new track, your home team is happier then ever and showing that on the track. Last week at Univerity of Florida's Intercollegiate Indoor meet, Trishauna Clarke and Frederieke Feil both broke school records in the 55 m dash and 3000 m run. With early morning practices on a golf course at six a.m twice a week, and beach runs with calves burning wanting to pop, these girls are definitly ready to run. The team leaves on Friday, January 26th to take part in the UNC Invitational at Chapel Hill.
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