Thursday, February 15, 2007

FOOTBALL! it is not the only sport in your school

As I walked into the training room last week, I had a football player next to me. We both sat down at the same time and I swere all of he trainers flocked to him. Not one even turned to me to ask what was wrong. Then I was standing outside the laundry room, and it felt like I ot barricaded by an army of men. The football players did not even care that I was standing there. They will sit outside the Oxley, hitting and whistling at all the girls that walk into the Oxley. Ewww. Come on guys. Grow up your'e not in high school now. For a team that went 4 and 7 last year, I sure would not be walking around with my nose in the air. The volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and girl's soccer teams all won conference championships last year. And the track team placed third. The football team did not even make it into the playoffs. So I asked the training room, why do they only care about them? They repied: They are the ones that bring all the money into the school. Haha. Are you serious? Have you been to the games? They can not even fill up a high school stadium. They explained how the football team actually got paid five hundred thousand dollars for going and playing Clemson. Even though they got killed 54- 6 , that was Clemson's goal. It's like the Circle of Life. Clemson gets money for winning because the Alumni will donate the more their team wins. Then FAU gets awarded because the team paid them to go and get pounded. I guess if humiliation gets you money then why not. Maybe eventually the football players will learn that they are not all that and it definitely is not cute. The percentage of college athletes to the pros is so minimal. So maybe everyone in the athletics department should work together in bringing team's to other team's event's and those football boys will put their noses down and walk next to say a cross country runner.

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